Friday, February 5, 2010

The Ode to Dante Inspired by Baseball

Faith thy color is white
Like snow on a cold winter’s night
Though outside the world is bare
Yet below, a seed, planted with care
The rest of the world, unknowing, blind
But to us the gift of peace of mind
Our desires not seen enlarge our soul
Pure, clean, firm, eye on the goal
The others, they can shrink with fright
But with thee, oh Faith, our courage is bright.
For I reckon that the sufferings of
This present time are not worthy
To be compared with the glory
Which shall be revealed in us.

Hope, thy mark is green
Evidence of our patience seen
As spring is come and grass shoots through
We in growing assurance remain true
Our refuge, our anchor, our ray of light
We shall trust forever in thy might
A world reborn and with it we too
Breathe in a life that is brand new
Oh Hope thou dost make our life serene
And on thee forever we shall lean.
For we are saved by hope...but
If we hope for that we see not,
Then do we with patience
Wait for it.

Charity thy existence is red
And just like the wise man said
You are the greatest gift of all
Evidence of One who heard our call
You are the fruit we shall partake
The flower that compassion did make
Thy color, like blood, so all will know
That love is given like a deep warm glow
With thy great reward we are fed
Oh Charity our noble, kind, strong head.
For I am persuaded, that neither death
Nor life...nor height, nor depth, nor any
Creature, shall be able to separate us from
The love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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