Saturday, February 4, 2012

Napoleon's Tomb, etc.

As soon as I heard Napoleon's Tomb existed, I knew I had to go.  I may or may not be unreasonably obsessed with the attempted world conqueror.  The building the tomb is in was a hospital (and part of it still does act as a hospital) for injured army men, and is called Les Invalides.  It now also serves as a war museum for WWI and WWII, but I didn't go through that part, I just saw the tomb and the chapel area.  I didn't have very much camera battery left at this point in my trip, so I got these pics from online.
After Les Invalides I walked to the Orsay Museum, and passed by some cool buildings and a cool bridge.  The first building is the Grand Palais, which is a sort of museum, but I'm not sure for what.  Near that was the Alexandre III bridge, and then I passed the Asemblee Nationale, which seems to be a music hall, I think. After that arrived at Musee d'Orsay, which is my next blog post!

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